Whether you’re a writer, a language enthusiast, or simply looking to impress, this collection of U words to describe someone or something will boost your vocabulary. Get the ball rolling to explore more new words and diversify your English language!
In This Article:
Common Adjectives Starting From U
These popular adjectives are commonly used in everyday language. Check out the table below to see what terms resonate with you!
Adjectives | Meaning |
Uniform | Consistent; always the same in form or character. |
Undivided | Not separated or divided; complete. |
Upright | Honest and morally correct; standing up straight. |
Unique | Being the only one of its kind; distinctive. |
Utmost | The greatest or most extreme; maximum. |
Ultimate | The last or most important; final. |
Universal | Applicable everywhere or in all cases; general. |
United | Joined together; in agreement. |
Usable | Able to be used; functional. |
Uppity | Arrogantly self-assured; haughty. |
Upper | Situated above; higher in position. |
Uphill | Sloping upwards; requiring effort. |
Upland | Elevated land; high terrain. |
Upstairs | On or to a higher floor of a building. |
Unaccountable | Not responsible or explainable. |
Untrue | Not in accordance with the facts; false. |
Uncut | Not reduced or abridged; not trimmed. |
Urban | Relating to a city or town; characteristic of a city. |
Urgent | Requiring immediate attention or action. |
Understanding | Sympathetic and comprehending. |
Ultra | Extreme or beyond the usual; exceedingly. |
Unconscious | Not awake or aware; done without conscious thought. |
Uncommon | Rare or unusual; not often found. |
Unlicensed | Not having an official permit or authorization. |
Unsure | Lacking confidence or certainty. |
Unbiased | Without prejudice; impartial. |
Upper-handed | Having the advantage or control. |
Unfolded | Opened out; revealed. |
Upsurging | Increasing suddenly or rapidly. |
Upcoming | Relating to something about to happen |
Positive Adjectives Starting In U
Looking to describe someone in a positive light? These adjectives, starting with “U,” offer a fresh perspective, capturing something or someone’s admirable qualities.
Adjectives | Meaning |
Upbeat | Cheerful and optimistic. |
Unparalleled | Having no equal; unmatched; having exceptional skills. |
Unabashed | Not embarrassed or ashamed. |
Unbeatable | Impossible to defeat or surpass, having exceptional qualities. |
Uplifting | Inspiring happiness or hope. |
Unpretentious | Modest; not attempting to impress others. |
User-friendly | Easy to use or understand. |
Unwavering | Steady and resolute; not changing. |
Unconditional | Not subject to any conditions. |
Undefeated | Never beaten or overcome. |
Unselfish | Generous; not selfish. |
Unflinching | Not showing fear or hesitation. |
Unrestricted | Not limited or controlled. |
Upstanding | Honest and respectable. |
Upscale | High-class; luxurious. |
Uber | Denoting an outstanding or supreme example of something. |
Unharnessed | Not restrained or controlled. |
Unbarred | Not blocked or obstructed. |
Up-to-date | Current; modern. |
Upgraded | Improved or enhanced. |
Unworried | Free from anxiety or concern. |
Unthreatening | Not perceived as dangerous or harmful. |
Unsoiled | Clean; not dirty. |
Unrivaled | Having no equal; superior. |
Unrefuted | Not disproved or contested. |
Unprejudiced | Fair and impartial. |
Unhurt | Not injured or harmed. |
Undoubted | Certain; not questioned. |
Undisputable | Not open to question; undeniable. |
Understandable | Easy to comprehend; clear. |
Undamaged | Not harmed or impaired. |
Uncorrupted | Not tainted or spoiled; pure. |
Unbreakable | Not able to be broken or destroyed. |
Unambiguous | Clear and precise; not open to more than one interpretation. |
Unabated | Without any reduction in intensity or strength. |
Unabashed | Not embarrassed or ashamed (repeated). |
Ubiquitous | Present everywhere; widespread. |
Untouchable | Not able to be affected or criticized. |
Unfussy | Not particular or demanding; easygoing. |
Upfront | Honest and open; straightforward. |
Unpolluted | Clean and free from contaminants. |
Unostentatious | Not showy or pretentious; modest. |
Unimposed | Not forced or required. |
Unforgettable | Impossible to forget; memorable. |
Useful | Able to be used for a practical purpose; helpful. |
Untamed | Not domesticated or controlled; wild. |
Unblemished | Free from flaws or imperfections; perfect. |
Unlimited | Without any limits; infinite. |
Unobtrusive | Not conspicuous or attracting attention; discreet. |
Unspoilt | Not damaged or affected by human influence; pristine. |
Unchanged | Remaining the same; not altered. |
Utopian | Idealistic or aiming for a perfect society. |
Negative Adjectives That Start With An U
Sometimes, we need words to describe less desirable qualities. This list explores negative adjectives starting with “U.” While not always pleasant, they can be essential for accurate expressions, enhancing your communication skills.
Adjectives | Meaning |
Unmanly | Not having qualities traditionally associated with men; cowardly or weak. |
Unfaithful | Not loyal or reliable; especially in a relationship. |
Unenergetic | Lacking energy or enthusiasm. |
Uncomfortable | Causing physical or mental discomfort. |
Unappreciative | Not showing gratitude or appreciation. |
Unreliable | Not dependable or trustworthy. |
Unpopular | Not liked or supported by many people. |
Unstable | Likely to change or fail; not steady. |
Untrustworthy | Not able to be relied on as honest or truthful. |
Ungrateful | Not showing or feeling gratitude. |
Unpleasant | Not enjoyable or agreeable; offensive. |
Undiplomatic | Not tactful or sensitive in dealing with others. |
Unanswered | Not replied to or addressed. |
Uneasy | Feeling worried or uncomfortable. |
Unmotivated | Lacking the desire or drive to take action. |
Unsafe | Not safe; risky or dangerous. |
Unappetizing | Not appealing in appearance, smell, or taste. |
Unenviable | Not desirable or enviable. |
Unsatisfactory | Not fulfilling expectations or needs; inadequate. |
Unbearable | Too painful or unpleasant to deal with. |
Unhappy | Not happy; sad or dissatisfied. |
Unerring | Always right or accurate; without error. |
Unnecessary | Not needed or required. |
Untalented | Lacking natural ability or skill. |
Unexpected | Not anticipated; surprising. |
Untidy | Not neat or well-organized; messy. |
Uncanny | Strange or mysterious, especially in an unsettling way. |
Unusual | Not common or ordinary; rare. |
Unfortunate | Marked by bad luck; unlucky. |
Uninviting | Not appealing or welcoming. |
Unfriendly | Not kind or pleasant; hostile. |
Unjust | Not based on or behaving according to what is morally right; unfair. |
Unkind | Not friendly or considerate; harsh. |
Unwary | Not cautious; not aware of possible dangers. |
Unyielding | Not giving way to pressure; inflexible. |
Ungodly | Sinful or morally wrong; also extremely unreasonable. |
Unreasonable | Not fair or sensible; excessive. |
Ugly | Unpleasant to look at; unattractive. |
Unable | Lacking the skill or means to do something. |
Unaffordable | Too expensive to be afforded. |
Undone | Not completed; unfinished. |
Unfair | Not just or equitable; biased. |
Unacceptable | Not satisfactory or allowable. |
Uncertain | Not sure or definite; doubtful. |
Uncaring | Not showing concern or compassion. |
Unhealthy | Not in good health; detrimental to well-being. |
Unwise | Lacking good judgment or prudence. |
Unsightly | Not pleasant to look at; unattractive. |
Unresponsive | Not reacting or replying to stimuli or requests. |
Unappealing | Not attractive or pleasant. |
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With this list of adjectives that begin with the letter U, we hope you can have more words on hand to articulate your thoughts and feelings comfortably and confidently. Follow us to stay updated on other word lists and improve your language skills