Suppose you were asked to list adjectives starting with C in just 60 seconds; how many could you name? 10? 15? Or maybe even fewer? If you’re having trouble, don’t worry! We’ve got a huge list to help you win any word game.
110+ Adjectives Beginning With C: A Complete List
Describing words that start with the letter C is actually easier than you think since adjectives can be grouped into categories like people, weather, characteristics, materials, and more. Let’s have a closer look:
1. Descriptive Adjectives
Role: to provide basic descriptions of the noun, such as its appearance, color, size, or shape.
Word | Pronunciation | Meaning |
curly | /ˈkɜːrli/ | having curls or a curved shape |
chubby | /ˈtʃʌbi/ | slightly overweight and plump |
crimson | /ˈkrɪm.zən/ | a deep red color |
circular | /ˈsɜːrkjʊlər/ | having the shape of a circle |
clear | /klɪər/ | easy to perceive or see through |
chunky | /ˈtʃʌŋ.ki/ | bulky and solid |
compact | /ˈkɒmpækt/ | small, efficient in size or design |
compact (2) | /ˈkɒmpækt/ | dense and tightly packed |
cobalt | /ˈkoʊ.bɔːlt/ | a deep blue color |
cylindrical | /səˈlɪndrɪkəl/ | having the shape of a cylinder |
creamy | /ˈkriːmi/ | smooth, pale in color or texture |
cumbersome | /ˈkʌmbəsəm/ | large, heavy/ difficult to handle |
conical | /ˈkɒnɪkəl/ | shaped like a cone |
crooked | /ˈkrʊkɪd/ | bent or twisted out of shape |
coarse | /kɔːrs/ | rough or loose in texture |
clean-cut | /ˈkliːnˌkʌt/ | neatly and sharply defined |
2. Material Adjectives
Role: to describe the substance or material that a noun is made of.
Word | Pronunciation | Meaning |
cardboard | /ˈkɑːrdˌbɔːrd/ | made of stiff paper material |
ceramic | /səˈræmɪk/ | made of clay and hardened by heat |
clay | /kleɪ/ | made of a natural earthy material |
concrete | /ˈkɒŋkriːt/ | made of sand, gravel, cement, water |
cotton | /ˈkɒtən/ | made of a soft fibrous substance |
crystal | /ˈkrɪstl/ | made of clear, transparent mineral |
copper | /ˈkɒpər/ | made of a reddish-brown metal |
carbon | /ˈkɑːrbən/ | made of a nonmetallic element |
canvas | /ˈkænvəs/ | made of a strong, heavy cloth |
cashmere | /ˈkæʒmɪər/ | made of a fine, soft wool |
chrome | /kroʊm/ | made of a shiny metallic element |
cellophane | /ˈsɛləˌfeɪn/ | made of a thin material |
charcoal | /ˈtʃɑːrˌkoʊl/ | made of a carbon-rich material |
card | /kɑrd/ | made of thick, stiff paper |
chalk | /tʃɔːk/ | made of a soft, white limestone |
corduroy | /ˈkɔːrdərɔɪ/ | made of a durable, ribbed fabric |
cast-iron | /ˈkæstˈaɪərn/ | made of melted, molded iron |
3. Personality/Character Adjectives
Role: to describe a person’s personality traits and characteristics, which can be positive adjectives or negative adjectives.
Word | Pronunciation | Meaning |
calm | /kɑːm/ | peaceful, free from disturbance |
caring | /ˈkɛərɪŋ/ | displaying kindness for others |
charismatic | /ˌkærɪzˈmætɪk/ | exercising a compelling charm |
charming | /ˈtʃɑːrmɪŋ/ | pleasant and attractive |
cheerful | /ˈtʃɪərfəl/ | happy and optimistic |
clever | /ˈklɛvər/ | quick to understand or learn |
compassionate | /kəmˈpæʃənət/ | showing sympathy and concern |
confident | /ˈkɒnfɪdənt/ | feeling or showing certainty |
considerate | /kənˈsɪdərɪt/ | showing regard for others |
courageous | /kəˈreɪdʒəs/ | not deterred by danger; brave |
courteous | /ˈkɜːtiəs/ | polite and respectful |
cynical | /ˈsɪnɪkəl/ | distrustful of human sincerity |
critical | /ˈkrɪtɪkəl/ | expressing judgments |
cruel | /ˈkruːəl/ | willfully causing pain to others |
complacent | /kəmˈpleɪsənt/ | smugly satisfied with oneself |
controlling | /kənˈtroʊlɪŋ/ | inclined to control others |
conscientious | /ˌkɒnʃɪˈɛnʃəs/ | wishing to do one’s work well |
cooperative | /koʊˈɒpərətɪv/ | working well with others |
calculating | /ˈkælkjʊleɪtɪŋ/ | scheming about something |
4. Opinion Adjectives
Role: to express subjective judgments/opinions or personal views about someone or something
Word | Pronunciation | Meaning |
captivating | /ˈkæptɪˌveɪtɪŋ/ | attracting and holding interest |
charming | /ˈtʃɑːrmɪŋ/ | pleasant and attractive |
clever | /ˈklɛvər/ | showing intelligence |
commendable | /kəˈmɛndəbl/ | deserving praise |
confusing | /kənˈfjuːzɪŋ/ | hard to understand |
controversial | /ˌkɒntrəˈvɜːrʃəl/ | giving rise to disagreement |
credible | /ˈkrɛdɪbl/ | able to be believed; convincing |
cringeworthy | /ˈkrɪndʒˌwɜːrði/ | causing embarrassment |
competent | /ˈkɒmpɪtənt/ | having the necessary skills |
convincing | /kənˈvɪnsɪŋ/ | persuasive or believable |
contemptible | /kənˈtɛmptɪbl/ | deserving contempt; despicable |
clueless | /ˈkluːləs/ | having no knowledge |
curious | /ˈkjʊəriəs/ | eager to know more |
creative | /kriˈeɪtɪv/ | relating to an original idea |
cultured | /ˈkʌltʃərd/ | characterized by refined taste |
5. Weather Adjectives
Role: to describe the weather conditions and the state of the atmosphere.
Word | Pronunciation | Meaning |
calm | /kɑːm/ | without wind or storm |
chilly | /ˈtʃɪli/ | unpleasantly cold |
cloudy | /ˈklaʊdi/ | covered with clouds |
clear | /klɪər/ | free of clouds or mist |
cold | /koʊld/ | of or at a low temperature |
crisp | /krɪsp/ | cool, fresh, and invigorating |
cool | /kuːl/ | neither warm nor cold |
cyclonic | /saɪˈklɒnɪk/ | relating to a cyclone |
6. Condition Adjectives
Role: to describe the state or condition of nouns, indicating whether something is in good or bad shape, healthy or unhealthy, functional or broken.
Word | Pronunciation | Meaning |
clean | /kliːn/ | free from dirt or stains |
clear | /klɪər/ | free from obstruction |
clogged | /klɒɡd/ | blocked with something |
closed | /kloʊzd/ | not open |
cluttered | /ˈklʌtərd/ | crowded and untidy |
collapsed | /kəˈlæpst/ | fallen down or given way |
cold | /koʊld/ | at a low temperature |
comfortable | /ˈkʌmftərbəl/ | at ease |
contaminated | /kənˈtæmɪneɪtɪd/ | having been made impure |
cracked | /krækt/ | having splits on its surface |
crowded | /ˈkraʊdɪd/ | packed, full of people |
crushed | /krʌʃt/ | deformed or pulverized |
crumbling | /ˈkrʌmblɪŋ/ | breaking or falling apart |
corroded | /kəˈroʊdɪd/ | destroyed or weakened |
compressed | /kəmˈprɛst/ | flattened by pressure |
curdled | /ˈkɜːrdəld/ | thickened and separated into liquids and solids |
7. Quantitative Adjectives
Role: to indicate the quantity or number of nouns, specifying how many or how much of something there is.
Word | Pronunciation | Meaning |
couple | /ˈkʌpəl/ | two of something |
countless | /ˈkaʊntləs/ | too many to be counted |
considerable | /kənˈsɪdərəbl/ | large in amount |
copious | /ˈkoʊpiəs/ | abundant in supply |
complete | /kəmˈpliːt/ | having all parts; whole |
countable | /ˈkaʊntəbl/ | not infinite; can be counted |
8. Proper Adjectives (derived from proper nouns)
Role: to describe something related to a specific name or title.
Word | Pronunciation | Meaning |
Canadian | /kəˈneɪdiən/ | relating to Canada or its people |
Celtic | /ˈkɛltɪk/ | relating to the Celts or their languages |
Chinese | /ˈtʃaɪˌniːz/ | relating to China or its people or language |
Colombian | /kəˈlʌmbiən/ | relating to Colombia or its people |
Cuban | /ˈkjuːbən/ | relating to Cuba or its people |
Californian | /ˌkælɪˈfɔːrniən/ | relating to California or its people |
Chilean | /ˈtʃɪliən/ | relating to Chile or its people |
Czech | /tʃɛk/ | relating to the Czech Republic or its people |
Cypriot | /ˈsɪpriət/ | relating to Cyprus or its people |
Cambodian | /kæmˈboʊdiən/ | relating to Cambodia or its people |
Congolese | /ˌkɒŋɡəˈliːz/ | relating to the Democratic Republic of the Congo or its people |
Croatian | /kroʊˈeɪʃən/ | relating to Croatia or its people |
Costa Rican | /ˌkɒstə ˈriːkən/ | relating to Costa Rica or its people |
Cambodian | /kæmˈboʊdiən/ | relating to Cambodia or its people |
Catalan | /ˈkætəlæn/ | relating to Catalonia, its people, or their language |
See more:
This article has listed some popular adjectives that start with a C. We’ve only scratched the surface — there are many more adjectives out there — but 110+ options should be more than enough to give you a good start for any English grammar or vocabulary game.
If you need more help with this list of adjectives, feel free to reach out to us.