110+ Adjectives That Start With O

By Tony Ashley

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Whether you’re playing a word-guessing game or studying new English words, the complete list of adjectives starting with an O below will be of great help. We’ve categorized them into different nuances so you can absorb their meaning better. Scroll down to learn more!

Positive Adjectives That Begin With The Letter O

Adjectives That Start With O

These positive adjectives will add a welcomed embellishment to your compliments or affirmations, highlighting the positive vibe and emotion in your statement.

ObligatingWilling to help or please others.
One-of-a-kindUnique and special, unlike any other.
Open-heartedKind, generous, and willing to share emotions.
On-pointHighly precise
OutstandingExceptionally good; excellent.
ObedientWilling to comply with orders or requests.
OptimalBest or most effective; ideal.
ObservantQuick to notice or perceive things.
OverjoyedExtremely happy or delighted.
OutspokenFrank and unreserved in speech.
OpulentRich and luxurious.
OrnateHighly decorated and elaborate.
Out-of-this-worldExtremely impressive or excellent.
OtherworldlyRelating to another realm; mystical or strange.
OriginalFresh and unique in style or idea.
OrderlyNeatly and methodically arranged.
OkayAcceptable or satisfactory.
Oomph-likeDynamic, full of enthusiasm and energy.
ObtainableAble to be acquired or achieved.
OmnipotentHaving unlimited power and authority.

Negative Adjectives Starting In O

Negativity always goes hand in hand with positivity. Sometimes, we need to articulate our negative feelings towards something undesirable or unpleasant, and these adjectives will be powerful tools.

ObjectionableOffensive; causing disapproval.
ObliviousUnaware or forgetful of something.
ObligationalRelating to a duty or commitment.
ObsessedExcessively preoccupied with something.
ObscureNot well-known; unclear or hard to understand.
ObsoleteOutdated; no longer in use.
Off-beatUnconventional; unusual.
ObnoxiousHighly offensive or annoying.
OdiousExtremely unpleasant or repulsive.
OffensiveCausing someone to feel hurt or upset.
OverbearingDomineering; trying to control others.
OverloadedBurdened with too much to handle.
OpinionatedHolding strong beliefs; often unwilling to consider others’ views.
OutdatedOld-fashioned; no longer current.
OutlawLiving outside the law; criminal.
OvercastCloudy or gloomy.
OverwhelmedFeeling overpowered; unable to cope.
OutrageousShockingly bad or excessive.
OnerousInvolving a lot of effort and difficulty.
OminousGiving the impression that something bad is going to happen.

O Words To Describe Someone

Each person has their own set of traits and characteristics. If you’re struggling to capture someone’s unique personality with words, take a look at the table below to see if anything lights the bulb.

OafishClumsy or unintelligent.
OptimisticHopeful and confident about the future.
ObeisantShowing respect or obedience.
ObeseExtremely overweight.
ObjectionableOffensive or unpleasant.
ObligatedRequired to do something by law or duty.
ObsceneOffensive to moral principles; indecent.
ObstructiveCausing a blockage or hindrance.
OddUnusual or strange.
OccupiedBusy and active
OldHaving lived for a long time; not new.
Old-schoolTraditional; not modern.
OrdinaryNormal; not special or unique.
OutgoingFriendly and sociable; enjoys meeting people.
OverweightWeighing more than is healthy or normal.
OverzealousExcessively enthusiastic or eager.
On-taskFocused and diligent in completing tasks.
OverconfidentExcessively confident; having too much confidence.
OrneryBad-tempered and combative; stubborn.
OrphanedHaving lost both parents or not having any parents.

Funny Adjectives That Start With An O

Running into something whimsical and funny that cracks you up? Let’s play the role of a comedian and describe it with these adjectives that begin with O! You might tickle others’ funny bones as well!

ObfuscatoryIntended to confuse or obscure.
ObtuseLacking sharpness or quickness of intellect; insensitive.
OblongHaving an elongated shape, longer than it is wide.
OctopeanRelating to or resembling an octopus.
OctopineRelated to or resembling an octopus.
Odd-lookingUnusual or strange in appearance.
OhmicRelating to electrical resistance or Ohm’s law.
OozySlimy or sticky; leaking or exuding moisture.
OutlandishExtremely unusual or bizarre.
OxymoronicContaining contradictory or opposite elements.
OverblownExcessively inflated or exaggerated.
OstentatiousShowy; designed to impress or attract notice.
OddballUnconventional or eccentric; unusual.
ObstreperousNoisy and difficult to control.
Off-kilterUnbalanced or unconventional; not quite right.

Cute Adjectives Starting From O

A few adjectives that start with O describe how adorable someone or something is. If you’re stuck with words, let us give you a hand with a comprehensive list below:

OakMade of or relating to oak wood or the oak tree.
ObjectionalWorthy of objection; disagreeable or offensive.
OceangoingDesigned for travel across the ocean.
OcellarRelating to small, simple eyes, like those in some insects.
OchreousHaving a yellowish-brown color, resembling ochre.
OgivalShaped like a pointed arch or a Gothic window.
OleAn exclamation used to express approval or encouragement.
OctahedralHaving eight faces, typically referring to a geometric shape.
OctagonalHaving eight sides or angles.
OliveOf a yellowish-green color, resembling olives.
OrchestralRelating to an orchestra or orchestral music.
OrnamentalDecorative; serving to beautify or embellish.
OscineRelating to songbirds.
OvalHaving an elongated, rounded shape; egg-shaped.
OperaticRelating to or characteristic of opera.
OlympicRelating to the Olympic Games; exceptionally high-level.
OctonaryRelating to or consisting of eight parts.
OnyxMade of or resembling the mineral onyx; typically black or banded.
OrganicDerived from living matter; natural.
OpalescentShowing varying colors as an opal does; iridescent.

Other Common Adjectives Beginning With O

There are thousands of adjectives starting with O, and below are some common words with neutral meanings.

OfficialRelating to an authority or public body; formal and authorized.
OccasionalHappening or appearing at irregular intervals; infrequent.
ObviousEasily perceived or understood; clear and apparent.
OilyContaining or covered with oil; greasy.
OpaqueNot transparent or translucent; not allowing light to pass through.
OppositeCompletely different; situated across from something else.
On-timePunctual; occurring at the scheduled time.
OpticRelating to the eyes or vision.
Open-airLocated outside; not enclosed.
OutsizeMuch larger than usual; oversized.
OptionalAvailable to be chosen but not obligatory.
OpportunisticTaking immediate advantage, often unethically, of any circumstance of possible benefit.
OperableCapable of being operated or functioning.
OmnivorousEating both plant and animal substances.
OralRelating to the mouth; spoken rather than written.
OrangeHaving the color of the fruit orange; a bright reddish-yellow color.
OdorousHaving a strong or distinctive smell, often unpleasant.
OversuspiciousExcessively inclined to suspect or mistrust.
OutdoorSituated or used outside; in the open air.
OncomingApproaching; coming nearer in time or space.

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The list of adjectives that start with an O goes on. It’s best to jot down any new words you encounter during learning to ingrain them into your long-term memory. We advise you to put those words in sentences to better understand their usage. Good luck!

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